Sunday, September 22, 2019

Writing prompts for middle school Essay Example for Free

Writing prompts for middle school Essay Imagine that you could give advice to someone—it could be someone you know personally, a historical figure, or a famous pers on living today. Write an essay that identifies the person and the advice you would give. Choose a fam iliar subject so that you can provide details and elaboration that explain why this person needs your advice. 2. In an essay, explain how disappointments can have a good side. 3. Write an essay explaining why someone you care about is important to you. 4. Dress for success is a phrase all of us have heard before, but it means something different to each person. Write an essay explaining  what dress for success means to you. 5. Write an essay to explain why honesty is important in a friendship. 6. Through the years new inventions have changed th e way we live. Think about one invention that has had an impact on the way you live. Now write to explain to your teacher how this invention has changed your life. 7. Write an essay explaining how you changed when you entered middle school. 8. The amount of graffiti has greatly increased at your school. The members of the school board must find ways to stop the graffiti. Write a com position in which you fully explain the solution  the school board could use to solve this problem. 9. There are both good things and bad things about playing on a team, such as the school soccer team or the school volleyball team. Write a composition for your teacher in which you explain both what is good and what is ba d about playing on a school team. Be sure to explain each point fully. 10. A role model is a person you look up to. Befo re you begin writing, think about someone you look up to. Why do you admire this person? Write a composition in which you explain to your classmates whom you admire and why you admire this person. Middle School Persuasive Prompts  1. NEW A wealthy donor plans to build a new facility that will benefit young people in your area. It could be a swimming pool, a theater, a skateboard park, an art school, or any other facility that would provide young people with constructive ways to spend their time. The donor is not sure what kind of facility would be most useful. Write a letter to the donor in which you identify the type of facility you would like to have built, and pe rsuade her that it is the best choice. Be sure to support your opinion with convincing reasons and evidence. 2. Your principal wants to invite a celebrity speaker to your school. Think about the celebrity you would choose to have speak; then, write a letter to persuade your principal to invite this person. Be sure to include convincing reasons and details to support your choice. 3. Girls and boys often enjoy playing the same sport. Some people believe that girls and boys should be able to play on the same team. What is your opinion on this issue? Write an essay stating your opinion and supporting it with convincing reasons. Be sure to explain your reasons in detail. 4. It has been said that television has little real educational value. What is your opinion on this issue? Write an essay stating your opinion and su  pporting it with convincin g reasons. Be sure to explain your reasons in detail. 5. The principal of your school is considering co nducting random locker searches several times a year without letting students know in advance. What is your position concerning this issue? Write a letter to the principal stating your position and supporting it with convincin g reasons. Be sure to explain your reasons in detail. 6. Suppose Congress wants to make a new national ho liday honoring an important person or event. Choose a person or event you would like to honor. Write an essay to convince members of Congress to accept your choice. 7. Your principal has asked students to suggest a school rule that should be changed. Think of one rule that you would like to have changed. Write a letter convincing your principal that this rule should be changed. Be sure to support your opinion with convi ncing reasons and evidence. 8. Your school principal is considering a new policy that will require all students to wear uniforms. What is your position concerning this issue? Write a letter to your principal stating your position and supporting it with convincing reasons. Be sure to explain your reasons in detail. Middle School How-To Prompts 1. Write a composition in which you explain how to make something. You might write about a food item, a handcrafted item, or anything else that you know how to make. Be sure to clearly explain each step in the process so that a read er could make the item the way you do. 2. Think about one favorite activity that you enjoy. For example, it could be playing a favorite sport or participating in a hobby. Write a compos ition in which you tell a friend how to do your favorite activity. Be sure to include all the details your friend will need to do the activity. Middle School Descriptive Prompts 1. Think about the last time you attended a special even  t such as a concert, a fair, or a sports event. Describe what it was like to be there and include sights, sounds, and smells that will make the reader feel he or she is there with you. 2. Think of a favorite object that you own. In a descriptive essay, use sensory details—words that tell how something looks, feels, tastes, smells , and sounds—to clearly describe this favorite object so that a classmate could picture it. 3. Think of what your school is like at lunchtime. Pick one particular place, and picture it in your mind. This place could be large or small. In a co mposition, describe clearly to a friend what the  place is like at lunchtime so your friend can imagine what it is like to be there. Middle School Narrative Prompts 1. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, You must do the th ing you think you cannot do. Write a narrative about a time when you did something you thought you could not do. Be sure to include specific details so that a reader can follow your story. 2. Think about a time when something unexpected happened. Write a narrative in which you tell about an unexpected event that happened to you or someone you know. Be sure to include specific details so that a reader can follow your story. 3. You have made a very important discovery–one th  at will make you famous throughout the world. Write a story in which you tell about your discove ry and how you made it. Be sure to include details about the setting and any characters in th e story, and be sure that your story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. 4. Think of your best day in school. What happened that makes this day stand out in your memory? Write a story for a friend that tells about what happened on this day in school. Middle School Writing About Literature Prompts 1. Under the Rice Moon tells a story about a caged bird and a sickly young girl who understand one another. Read the story. Then write an essay discussing the storys theme, or message, and how the author uses the bird and the storys characters to express the message. Be sure to include examples and details from the story to support your ideas. Do not merely summarize the story. Remember that your response will be evaluated in two ways—on your understanding of the story and on the quality of our writing. 2. The Dinner Party tells a story about a social gathering in India. Read the story. Then write an essay in which you discuss how the author uses the characters in the story to express a message. Support your ideas with examples and details from the story. Do not merely summarize the story. Remember that your response will be evaluated in two ways–on your understanding of the story and on the quality of your writing. Middle School Writing About Nonfiction Prompts 1. Read Heeding the Call. Then, write an essay explaining how Martin Luther King, Jr. s experiences as a young person shaped his beliefs and actions as an adult. Be sure to include specific information from the article to support your explanation. Do not merely summarize the article. Remember that your response will be ev aluated in two ways—on  your understanding of the article and on the quality of your writing. 2. Read But Im Not Tired! Think about the ideas th e author presents in this article. What changes should schools make to adjust to students sl eep patterns? Write a letter to the principal recommending changes that could be made at your sch ool to adjust to students sleep patterns. Be sure to include specific information from the ar ticle to support your recommendations. Do not merely summarize the article. Re member that your response will be evaluated in two ways–on your understanding of the article and on the quality of your writing.

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