Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Physical Inactivity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Physical Inactivity - Research Paper Example This paper reviews the literature available to know more about various consequences of childhood physical inactivity. Millar and Dean (2012), pointed out that â€Å"Obesity is the most significant risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes in childhood. The main causes of obesity and diabetes in the developed and the developing world include a lack of adequate physical activity (Millar and Dean, 2012). The intrusion of internet, computers and mobile phones, forced children to shift their attention from painful physical activities to less painful mental activities. From the above data, it is evident that girls are undergoing severe harassments both in the family and in other social circles because of overweight. Such harassments can affect the development of self-esteem among children. â€Å"According to the WHO, the regional differences in overweight and obesity could be explained by a number of factors including differences in socioeconomic status and the availability and preferences of food and leisure-time physical activities† (Malkogeorgos, 2010, p.137). Different countries have different overweight statistics among teenage community. This is because of the differences in life styles and eating habits in different countries. It should be noted that underweight is the problem among children in some of the poor African countries whereas in American and European countries children are suffered because of overweight. It is evident from the figure that only 7% of the available 39% of other than classroom hours is used for physical workouts. TV watching and reading take 26% of the available 39% of leisure time. All these facts clearly show that modern children are using negligible time for physical workouts and the percentage of physical inactivity time is more than the desired level. Adegoke and Oyeyemi (2011) mentioned the consequences associated with physical inactivity. In their opinion, â€Å"Physical inactivity is

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